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Hearing Hearing Date: February 15, 2012 12:00 am

Why Reshuffling Government Agencies Won’t Solve the Federal Government’s Obesity Problem

Why Reshuffling Government Agencies Won’t Solve the Federal Government’s Obesity Problem
February 15, 2012
12:00 am

The federal government has grown astronomically despite a fiscal crisis and a lingering recession that has shrunk corporations, small businesses and put further strain on millions of American families working to make ends meet. Today’s hearing will shed light on different proposals—including President Obama’s—to assess and reshuffle the size of our federal government.

The President’s own budget, released this week, would add $1.3 trillion to the deficit in 2013. This budget does little to achieve a real reduction of the cost of government nor address its bureaucratic obesity crisis.

Since the 2008 election, spending on federal programs has increased by $211 billion and the federal government workforce has increased by 200,000 employees. This expansion has occurred with little concern for streamlining government service to maximize the use of taxpayer dollars.

Instead of proposing serious reforms, the President offers platitudes. His Office of Management and Budget recently informed Congress it will not be told the details of their reorganization plans until after it is set. This is neither transparent, nor in the best interest of the taxpayer.

I hope this hearing spotlights the many areas of opportunity to reduce the size and cost of government, and provide a path for President Obama and Congress to achieve these important goals.

Witnesses and testimonies: The Honorable Mark Warner

United States Senator

Panel 1

The Honorable Ron Johnson

United States Senator


Paul Light, Ph.D.

Paulette Goddard Professor of Public Service
New York University
Panel 2

The Honorable Dan G. Blair

Former Chairman of the Postal Regulatory Commission and former Deputy Director of OPM
President & CEO of the National Academy of Public Administration


Mr. Robert Shea

Grant Thornton LLP


Mr. Max Stier

President and CEO
Partnership for Public Service
